What: Mindfulness + Meditation and Movement weekly classes=Less stress, more joy, better focus. Beginners and advanced welcome.
When: Touch Base Tuesday, every week @ 7pm Central up to one hour
How: Subscribe NOW for your weekly Meditation “sit” Class and live Q&A using the Zoom platform
Why offer this: “Gina, Founder of Mindstream Company believes that Money $ should not be the barrier to entry when managing stress, anxiety and the dis-ease of the body” This is a tool and a skill for life.
Cost: Only $2.99 a month to access your live weekly meditation sit class from the comfort of anywhere! Powerful, Simple, REAL (normal private class rate is $95.00 an hour & Multi-week classes cost $385.00)
Q: What’s the catch? “why so inexpensive for a live mindfulness-based stress reduction class?”
A: Gina, the founder would like to help as many people as possible with a life skill that no-one can ever take from you, this can meaningfully and measurably change your life, no matter what your socio-economic status is. Also, the feedback has been that most credentialed and credible mindfulness meditation courses are expensive and not accessible to most. Join US, let us change that together!
Our Mission is to decrease stress in America by offering "come as you are" weekly mindfulness-based stress reduction classes. This is a monthly subscription for weekly classes.
"Less Stress, More Joy & Focus! Watch your email for class details.